Epicor iScala 3.0 FSP3 Now Available

Epicor iScala 3.0 FSP3 Now Available

Today we announced the latest release of Epicor iScala 3.0 FSP3 enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, featuring integration to the Epicor ICE business architecture delivering next-generation technologies and best-in-class applications that extend the power of the solution across business organizations. 

What’s New?

  • Platform – Continuing to ensure that Epicor iScala 3.0 FSP3 can leverage technical and functional advances to enhance performance, improve stability and deliver new capabilities.
  • Global Business Capabilities – The world around us is changing. Companies are under constant pressure to comply with ever-changing, more complex and demanding local and regional fiscal, statutory and business requirements.
  • Usability and Mobility – Delivering an improved user experience, while simultaneously delivering world-class functionality and extending the reach of Epicor iScala across the organization.
  • Customer Requests – Collaboration with customers to develop user-driven capabilities that improve process efficiency and drive organizational improvements.

Epicor iScala 3.0 FSP3 Highlights

  • Improved performance, scalability and stability
  • Support for the latest technology platforms
  • Enhanced business insight using Multi-level Snap Searches to create user-definable drill-down queries
  • Increased efficiency through user-definable fast order entry and planning screens
  • Integration to the Epicor ICE platform delivering access to innovative solutions such as Dashboards, Business Activity Queries (BAQs) and Enterprise Search
  • And many more!

View a series of short videos to learn more about the benefits of the newest Epicor iScala release.

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