Modern administrative structures face a number of challenges and problems in their daily work. Effectively solving them plays a key role in the smooth functioning of each institution, given the number of employees from different departments, directorates and structures and the need to work together on a number of projects.
The specially developed software system for process management in administrative structures will help you deal with the large amount of information, manage the document flow, the acts of state and municipal property and public procurement. At the same time, you will improve coordination and internal institutional communication between the various units, increasing the efficiency of project implementation.
The system has a number of functionalities for the automation of administrative processes:
Manage and administer the document flow, monitor the statutory deadlines for tasks and their implementation related to individual files. Control the implementation and execution of tasks, automate the process of structuring the signature. Manage and automate the activities of storage, searching, retrieval and monitoring of files, prepare various reports and analyses.
Maintain, register and process data on state and municipal properties and related acts in a single electronic register (type and description of the property, title deed, tax assessment, location, boundaries of the property, granted rights to the property, orders with the property, etc.). Summarize the data from the registers with the help of numerous references and reports, perform activities for overall control over the process of property management and rental.
Manage the processes of planning, requesting, preparation and award of public contracts in accordance with the applicable legislation (detailed information on the planned contracts during the calendar year, the procedures for awarding and selection of contractors, documentation and deadlines, received tenders, evaluation and selection of contractor etc.). Manage the execution, invoicing and payments under contracts, make informed management decisions based on various references and reports.
You publish and maintain the required information under Art. 22b of the Public Procurement Act as part of its website or other Internet address for which publicity is ensured, in its capacity of Contracting Authority. You can automatically publish in the Buyer Profile the entered information in the module public procurements and contracts. Each specific public procurement is divided into a separate subsection, representing an electronic file with its own identification number and date of creation.
By choosing our process management system in administrative structures, you get a number of advantages.
Increasing the efficiency of internal communication, cooperation and joint work on projects of employees from different departments.
Automation, optimization and facilitation of daily work with documents of different types and volumes.
Standardization and unification of the practices and criteria for processing of state property acts.
Flexible and timely monitoring of the normatively determined deadlines for set tasks and their implementation, related to the individual files.
Maintenance, registration and processing of information on state and municipal property in a single register.
Effective management of the processes of planning, organization, implementation, control and reporting of public procurement and contracts.
Optimization and automation of all activities related to the preparation and award of public procurement.
Complete control over the process of property and rental management.
Summarize data using multiple reports and analyses
Increasing the efficiency of internal communication, cooperation and joint work on projects of employees from different departments.
Automation, optimization and facilitation of daily work with documents of different types and volumes.
Standardization and unification of the practices and criteria for processing of state property acts.
Flexible and timely monitoring of the normatively determined deadlines for set tasks and their implementation, related to the individual files.
Maintenance, registration and processing of information on state and municipal property in a single register.
Effective management of the processes of planning, organization, implementation, control and reporting of public procurement and contracts.
Optimization and automation of all activities related to the preparation and award of public procurement.
Complete control over the process of property and rental management.
Summarize data using multiple reports and analyses
The system is suitable for: